JNE Trucking

JNE Trucking or more well-known as JTR is a delivery business under JNE that specializes in delivering products in big quantities as well as goods that are either heavy or huge in size (volume).

Like several other types of JNE services such as: YES (Yakin Esok Sampai), REG (Reguler), OKE (Ongkos Kirim Ekonomis), and many others. JNE Trucking also has a package tracking service. To track the status of JNE Trucking packages, you can access their official website at www.jne.co.id. After you open the link, enter the JNE Trucking receipt number (Airwaybill Number) into the tracking box provided. Then, click on the “SEARCH” menu below it. From there, you will immediately get information, whether the package is in the process of being sent or whether your package has arrived at its destination. So don't worry, all information on the status of your package delivery will be recorded in detail there.

Let’s have a closer look at the best way to get a price quotation from JNE Trucking. JNE Trucking has a convenient price checker based on zones and weights available on its homepage and JNE Trucking also has a popular mobile app with more than 5 million downloads on the Google Playstore. Either option will give you a price quote in just a matter of seconds.

It is quite easy to send packages via JNE Truking. As informed in their official website, there are several terms or conditions that you need to pay attention to, namely:

  1. All JNE sales counters can serve JTR transactions
  2. Fee calculations with shipment weight < 10 Kg are subject to a minimum fee of 10 Kg
  3. Packages weighing more than 250 kg per bag will be charged an additional fee in accordance with applicable regulations
  4. Goods are subject to volumetric calculations when the volumetric quantity is greater than the actual weight, volumetric calculation (length x width x height) x 1 Kg / 6,000.
  5. Shipments with an item value of more than 10 times the shipping cost should be insured for 0.2% of the item price along with an admin fee of IDR 5,000
  6. Packages that require packing handling will be charged an additional fee
  7. JTR service accepts delivery of motorbikes

Other than JNE Trucking, JNE also provides a bunch of other cool services as follows:

  1. Super Speed (SS).

SS is a delivery service that prioritizes delivering the goods as fast as possible with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) of a maximum of 24 hours since the transaction/package is picked up by the courier. JNE ensures that customers get the best and fastest service by providing a money-back guarantee if delivery is more than 24 hours.

  1. Jemput ASI Seketika (JESIKA).

JESIKA offers nursing moms peace of mind with their breast milk pick-up service from the activity site through delivery to the destination using a motorbike delivery mode that is equipped with a cooler bag, ice pack, sealed plastic clips, and barcodes to keep the quality of breast milk and prevent it from being contaminated with other breast milk during shipping.

JESIKA is currently only available for pick-up and delivery in Jabodetabek from Monday to Friday. Per shipment, a maximum of 5 bottles of breast milk are allowed. If breast milk is received for more than 4 hours, JNE will provide a free pick up and delivery for the next day. If the bottle breaks during delivery, you'll get a free new bottle of breast milk and free delivery the next day.

  1. Money Remittance.

JNE Money Remittance is a money transfer service provided by JNE in partnership with Western Union, a world-class money transfer organization. Money/funds can be sent and received instantly through the Western Union network around the world, including the JNE network in Indonesia. JNE's Money Remittance Division can now process money transactions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customers can use the JNE money remittance service at every JNE location that displays the Western Union logo.

  1. Diplomat.

DIPLOMAT is a high-value product and document delivery service that prioritizes certainty, security, and speed of delivery from pick-up to the recipient's hand. This service uses a variety of modes of transportation, including air, land, and sea, depending on the available schedule. DIPLOMAT shipping costs are modified to account for transportation and other costs associated with shipping. This service also comes with a money-back guarantee if the delivery does not meet the agreement at the time of delivery.

Learn more about JNE services, service area, price, and other useful information from their website. Their website is available in both Bahasa Indonesia and English and provides almost all of the information a customer needs.

Jl. Tomang Raya No. 11 Jakarta Barat 11440 Indonesia
Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday Closed
(62-21) 2927 8888

What kind of goods are prohibited in JNE Trucking Shippers?

Food that can spoil in a matter of days is not allowed to be transported by JNE, other than that there are several other sorts of commodities that cannot be shipped by JNE, including:

  1. Psychotropics, narcotics, and other unlawful substances.
  2. Hazardous materials.
  3. flammable items.
  4. Commodities and/or goods that are not permitted by the regulating authorities.

What types of goods need to be insured?

When shipping goods or precious papers, the usage of JNE Trucking insurance is recommended. Examples of such shipments include the following:

  1. Goods worth more than IDR 1,000,000.
  2. Goods that are worth ten times more than the delivery fee.
  3. Documents thought to be valuable.

Where can I report any shipping problems?

When there are issues with JNE Truking shipping. You can report the problem to JNE Trucking customer support by calling 021-29278888 or sending an email to their customer support channels at customercare@jne.co.id

How do I find the nearest JNE Truking office/agent from my current location?

You can visit the official JNE website or utilize the Google Maps application on your smartphone. On Google Maps enter "nearest JNE office" in the search box. Google Maps will display the closest JNE location to your position. On its official website, JNE Trucking gives comprehensive details regarding the location and address of the nearest JNE branch.

Google My Business

Debid Wijianto

Pelayanan nya baik karywanya cantik


The location is easy to find, in front of #bakmisetan. By the roadside. Strategic ... the service is not friendly, seems fierce. The cleanliness is also very lacking, please improve again, yes, the service is already clean

Aditya Kusumajaya

Phone number is important for business especially courier, please provide

fitri andeni

I used a jne courier service, but I will tell you now, the delivery of my goods from the 14th was already in jne, Denpasar, precisely in Pemogan, on the 15th, still in Denpasar, the 16th, still in Denpasar, the 17th, still in Denpasar, on the 18th, destination

Satria Wijaya

the goods have not arrived at my house but the status of the delivery receipt has been received, it's so bad that you have to look for it directly to the office

Stay Me

It's very sad. I will not use this expedition again. The courier and admin are very irritating!!

Dino afiko Febrianto

Very disappointed with the service of IMAN. We usually send it almost every day. Now it is complicated. Usually give a barcode scan. Why now do you have to print yourself a new one in scan/type manual. If it is easy in the branch, why is this complicated at the center. Disappointed

anton medan

JNE Service YES Deck klo 1 day to... From Jakarta to Jakarta, it is not necessarily 1 day to arrive, often delayed... and said that you can refund the postage. believe me it's a lie, because the process is definitely complicated...


Friendly Quick response.

Nono Charsono

Fastest expedition service

Boboho 21

Never not complaint when it comes to JNE Expedition bad bad bad experience i'm sorry as a customer i'm so upset with your services years after years the services is not upgrade but downgrade and always delayed

JNE Trucking Blogs and News

Cek Tarif Ongkir JNE Cargo ke Seluruh Indonesia {2025}

Pengiriman Kargo JNE Trucking Tarif &amp; Deliveree (2025)

Jasa Kirim Paket J&amp;T, Pengiriman JNE &amp; Deliveree (2025)

Cek Tarif Dakota Cargo, Ekspedisi JTR, &amp; Deliveree {2025}

Panduan Kirim Barang dengan JNE Cargo

Daftar Istilah Pengiriman JNE Cargo Terlengkap

Jasa Pindah Rumah dengan JNE Trucking

Cara Menambahkan Layanan JNE Cargo di Tokopedia

Ulasan Lengkap JNE Cargo: Pengalaman Editor

JNE Trucking vs Deliveree: Menandingkan Raja Ekspedisi

Jasa Packing Layanan JNE Cargo (JTR)

Apa itu Customer Corporate JNE?

Cara Lacak Resi JNE di Shopee (2025)

Gaji dan Sistem Kerja Kurir JNE Cargo: Perlu Diketahui!

Kirim Motor dengan JNE Cargo: Syarat dan Metode

Cara Cek Resi dan Lacak Paket Anda dengan JTR (2025)

Jasa Angkutan Barang Serbaguna (Rating Tertinggi 2025)

Cara Mendaftar Jadi Driver JNE Cargo (JTR)

Cara Kirim Barang Mudah dengan Sistem Jemput JNE

Wajib Tahu! Ini Perbedaan JNE Cargo dan JNE Reguler

Cek Harga Ongkir JNE Paket Besar &amp; Deliveree (New 2025)

Harga Ekspedisi Pengiriman Barang Murah (Edisi 2025)

Paket JNE Cargo Tidak Bergerak, Ini Solusinya!

Perusahaan Ekspedisi Cargo Logistik Pengiriman (2025)

Estimasi Pengiriman dengan JNE Cargo di Shopee

Cek Ongkir JNE Trucking Terdekat vs Deliveree (2025)

Langkah-Langkah dan Syarat Menjadi Mitra JNE

Cek Ongkir JTR JNE Trucking, Cargo SiCepat, &amp; Deliveree

Prosedur Klaim Asuransi JNE Cargo

Manfaat dan Cara Jadi Member JLC

Mudahnya Temukan Agen JNE Cargo di Dekat Anda (2025)

Prosedur Pengambilan Paket di Agen JNE Resmi

Daftar Perusahaan Logistics Di Indonesia Untuk Cargo Darat

Macam Macam Jasa Pengiriman Barang Antar Pulau - Aplikasi Kargo

Cek Ongkir JNE Cargo Terdekat &amp; Deliveree Dekat Sini (2025)

Jenis-jenis Layanan JNE untuk Pengiriman Paket &amp; Cargo

Urutan Alur Pengiriman JNE: Paket dan Cargo

Ekspedisi JNE JTR Tarif &amp; Deliveree (Review 2025)

Jenis Barang yang Tidak Bisa Diklaim Asuransi JTR

Cara Termudah Komplain ke JNE Cargo

Cara Menghubungi Kurir JNE Guna Mudahkan Pengiriman

Pelajari Sistem Pengiriman JNE Cargo

Cek Resi Pengiriman Kargo dari JNE Trucking Cepat &amp; Akurat

Pengiriman JNE Trucking Termasuk Cek Ongkir dan Resi

Apa Beda Layanan JNE Trucking dan Lainnya?

Tarif, Syarat, dan Manfaat Jasa Pengiriman Kargo JNE Trucking

JNE Trucking (JTR) sebagai Pengiriman Kargo

Mengenal Layanan JNE Trucking: Ongkos dan Cara Lacak Paket

JNE Trucking: Apa, Biaya, &amp; Bagaimana Anda Dapat Melacak Paket

Ketentuan-Ketentuan Layanan JNE Trucking

Jangkauan Antar-Pulau JNE Trucking Bantu Istri Nelayan Hasilkan Produk Olahan Limbah

Layanan Pengiriman JNE Trucking Hadir untuk Pengiriman Besar

Cek Ongkir JNE Jakarta Surabaya &amp; Deliveree (Edisi 2025)

Tarif Paket JNE Terdekat, Ekspedisi Anteraja &amp; Deliveree

Cara Mengecek Ongkir Tiki, Paket JNE &amp; Deliveree (Terbaru)

Cek Tarif JTR Trucking, Kargo Indah, &amp; Deliveree {2025}

Cek Ongkir JNE JTR Harga &amp; Deliveree {Terupdate 2025}

Cek Tarif JNE Trucking Harga vs Deliveree (Review 2025)

Cara Cek Ongkos Kirim - Jasa Pengiriman Barang Murah (2025)

Cek Ongkir JNE Trucking Terdekat &amp; Deliveree (Review 2025)

Diskon Pengiriman 20% Diberikan JNE Trucking untuk Rute Bali dan Mataram ke Kalimantan

Kirim APD Dapat Diskon 50% dengan Menggunakan JNE Trucking

Bukalapak Memilih JNE Trucking Sebagai Opsi Pengiriman untuk Tingkatkan Daya Saing

Bukalapak Andalkan JNE Trucking untuk Pengiriman Besarnya