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Road Safety and Traffic Solutions for Tricycles and Pedicabs in Highways

Author Cat Dewinta - Updated on February 20, 2024


Tricycles and pedicabs are very common mode of transportation in the Philippines, especially for short distances within urban and rural areas. However, their presence on highways poses significant road safety challenges, not only for the operators and passengers but also for other road users. The government has recognized the need for traffic solutions and regulations to enhance road safety and ensure the smooth flow of traffic on national highways.

Tricycles and Pedicabs Road Safety

According to DILG’s data for road accidents in 2022, tricycle-involved accidents had now reached 2,241, and it is 2,829 if bikes, e-bikes, and pedicabs were included. This leads for Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to give directives about strictly enforcing the ban on tricycles and pedicabs on national roads and highways. This move aims to mitigate the risks associated with these vehicles’ slower speeds and vulnerability in high-traffic areas.

DILG’s Take on Tricycles and Pedicabs in Highways

The issue concerning tricycles and pedicabs on highways has been brought to attention recently as the DILG chief Benhur Abalos calls out LGUs to ensure public safety with tricycles and pedicabs hitting along national highways. This was just after a report about tricycle- bus hit accident along a national highway in Camarines Norte last February 4.

In 2020, the DILG issued a memorandum banning tricycles, pedicabs, and motorized pedicabs from operating on national highways. This memo, numbered 2020-036, prohibited these types of vehicles from driving on major roads and more recently in 2023, they put out another memorandum, number 2023-195, directed at local mayors and other city and municipal leaders. This new memo urged these local officials to reform or recreate their local Tricycle Task Forces. The purpose would be to update their plans that designate approved routes for tricycles to drive. The DILG asked that the updated plans include clear penalties for tricycle drivers who drive on unapproved routes in violation of the plans.


To view more about MC 2023-195, refer to the pdf file attached.

Strategic Approaches to Road Safety for Tricycles and Pedicabs

Ensuring the safety of tricycles and pedicabs, along with other road users, requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses education, infrastructure, and enforcement. Implementing such strategies effectively can lead to significant improvements in road safety and traffic solutions.

Conducting Educational Campaigns and Training Programs

Educational campaigns and training programs for tricycle and pedicab operators can improve their driving skills, understanding of traffic laws, and awareness of safe driving practices. These programs, coupled with public awareness campaigns, can significantly reduce accidents and enhance road safety.

Lanes and Routes Improvements for Tricycles and Pedicabs

Improvements such as providing dedicated lanes for non-motorized transport, creating designated tricycle and pedicab routes, and improving road signage can significantly enhance safety. An additional improvement to road lighting and pedestrian crossings ensures that all road users, including those on foot, are safer.

Traffic Solutions Through Technology

Technologies such as GPS tracking of tricycles and pedicabs, the use of mobile apps for route planning, and traffic signal optimization can improve traffic flow and safety. Also innovative solutions like electric tricycles offer an environmentally friendly alternative, reducing pollution and potentially improving traffic solutions.

Addressing road safety and traffic solutions for tricycles and pedicabs on highways requires a multifaceted approach. Along with the recent directives coming from the DILG chief himself, he also acknowledges the recent ban enforcement of San Mateo, Rizal since February 5th over e-bikes, tricycles, and pedicabs on national roads and commends their quick resolution over the growing concerns of road safety and traffic solutions for these vehicles.