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EDSA Traffic Flow Every People Power Commemoration

Author Cat Dewinta - Updated on February 20, 2024


The Philippines commemorates the People Power Revolution every year. This historic event not only shaped the country’s history but also poses unique traffic flow management challenges along EDSA (Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue) in Metro Manila, especially for the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and daily commuters.

Events in EDSA’s Every People Power Anniversary

The People Power Revolution refers to the historic series of mass demonstrations in the Philippines that led to the ousting of then-President Ferdinand Marcos on February 25, 1986.

Unlike other national holidays, the EDSA People Power Anniversary continues to be commemorated annually by Filipinos, with this year marking the 38th time it will be celebrated. In the past, February 25th was declared a special non-working public holiday, but this will change in 2024. Based on Proclamation No. 368 signed by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on October 11th last year, this year’s list of official national holidays, non-working days, and special non-working days no longer designates February 25th as a special non-working holiday.

But since 2017, the anniversary date has also seen groups staging protests to denounce policies under former President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration which they viewed as curtailing political dissent and freedom of expression. These events center around the People Power Monument and EDSA Shrine, leading to road closures and rerouting in EDSA traffic areas.


Traffic Flow on EDSA

EDSA is infamous for its heavy traffic congestion. This situation worsens during major events like the annual People Power Commemoration as large crowds converge to mark this historic occasion. Managing the resulting surge in traffic along EDSA is an ongoing struggle for the MMDA and a frustration for commuters.

Efforts to Manage EDSA Traffic

To help manage traffic congestion not only during the annual EDSA People Power events but also during everyday traffic flow, measures include closing down select roads, rerouting vehicles, and deploying extra traffic enforcers along major thoroughfares like EDSA are some of the efforts that authorities are implementing.
As a commuter, it is also important to consider some efforts to help manage EDSA traffic.

1. Pre-Event Planning and Route Optimization

Utilize Traffic and Delivery Apps: Through real-time traffic monitoring apps, insights about current traffic conditions will help commuters plan their routes more effectively.

As for your scheduled deliveries that will fall on the same day as the commemoration, there are also delivery apps that can give you optimized routes to secure your deliveries, especially if routes are mostly affected by EDSA traffic.

Some delivery apps that can give you this option include Transportify and Lalamove, which both suggest the best route for the cheapest and fastest way possible.


Review Traffic Advisories: Staying updated with advisories from the MMDA and other relevant authorities ensures awareness of road closures and rerouting schemes.

2. Alternative Transportation Modes

Public Transport: Utilizing the MRT, buses, and other public transport options can reduce the number of private vehicles on the road, potentially easing traffic congestion.

Carpooling: Sharing rides with others can decrease vehicle volume, a crucial factor in managing traffic flow during significant events.

3. Flexibility in Travel Times

Avoid Peak Hours: If possible, traveling outside of peak hours can help avoid the worst of the traffic congestion.

Remote Work Options: For those who can, working from home or utilizing flexible working arrangements can significantly reduce the need to travel during congested periods.

Beyond the annual commemoration, the traffic situation at EDSA calls for long-term solutions. The government, through the Department of Transportation and MMDA, continues to explore and implement measures to improve traffic flow.