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Ber Months Dilemma with Double Booking Deliveries

Ber Months Dilemma with Double Booking Deliveries

As the “Ber months” roll in, we all know what that means—holiday preparations, gift shopping, and a significant uptick in delivery demands. Businesses across various industries experience a surge in orders during September through December, making efficient delivery services more critical than ever.  In this blog post, we’ll delve into the pivotal role of avoiding double bookings during the Ber months and how it can significantly speed up your delivery operations.

Understanding the Ber Months Rush

The Ber months, starting from September and ending in December, signify the beginning of the holiday season. A survey of over 1,000 holiday shoppers found that 55% of them plan to spend less time in stores or visit fewer stores this year. Instead, 48% of shoppers plan to shop more online and use delivery or pickup services. Consumers are eager for Christmas shopping and to get their hands on gifts, decorations, and festive essentials, leading to a substantial increase in online orders.

According to a study by Google Philippines, before Christmas, shoppers usually spend about five hours a day online. They check out more than ten websites before deciding what to buy. Also, about 67% of Filipinos don’t know exactly what they want to buy when they start shopping online. For businesses, the peak shipping season is both a blessing and a challenge. While sales soar, the pressure to deliver promptly becomes paramount.

The Impact of Double Bookings

Double booking, where multiple orders are scheduled for the same delivery slot or resource, can wreak havoc on your delivery operations, especially during the Ber months. A 2021 study of Shopify regarding double bookings found that 18% of customers experienced delayed or eventually canceled their delivery. Double booking is indeed a reason for delivery dilemma, and here’s how it usually impacts:

  • Delays: Double bookings often lead to delays, as delivery providers struggle to fulfill multiple orders simultaneously, causing missed delivery windows and disgruntled customers.
  • Resource Misallocation: Overbooking can strain your resources, including delivery vehicles and personnel, resulting in inefficient allocation and increased costs.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Slow or delayed deliveries due to double bookings can tarnish your reputation, leading to customer dissatisfaction and negative reviews.
  • Logistical Nightmares: Coordinating multiple deliveries for the same time frame can be a logistical nightmare, complicating route planning and execution.

No Double Bookings: A Game-Changer for Ber Months Deliveries

The solution to these Ber months delivery challenges lies in a simple yet powerful approach: avoiding double bookings. Here’s how it can speed up your delivery services:

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: By eliminating double bookings, you ensure that your resources are optimally distributed, reducing the risk of overallocation and delays.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Reliability is key during the Ber months. Avoiding double bookings allows you to meet delivery promises consistently, leading to happier customers.
  • Streamlined Logistics: Without the complexities of handling multiple orders for the same slot, your logistics become more straightforward, enabling quicker route planning and execution.
  • Cost Savings: Efficient deliveries mean reduced operational costs, from fuel to labor, contributing to a healthier bottom line.

Double Booking Experiences

Some logistics companies allow double booking, while most prohibit it on their platform. Here are some reported instances of double booking, which greatly affect the delivery experience.


The situation with Borzo, where double bookings are permitted on their platform and they have established specific guidelines for such bookings, encompasses both advantages and disadvantages. Double booking enables drivers to optimize their time and resources by handling multiple orders within their capacity. On the customer’s view, prioritizing perishable goods is a good point of Borzo’s commitment to customer satisfaction and responsible delivery practices. The fact that they ensure that drivers arrive at the pick-up location of the first order before accepting the next order demonstrates a commitment to maintaining service quality.


However, despite guidelines, some customers may still have concerns about double bookings, such as delays or potential mix-ups in their orders. If customers perceive double bookings as a negative aspect, they might choose competitors who don’t employ this practice. On the driver side, juggling multiple orders can be stressful, potentially leading to errors or delays if not managed properly, especially during peak seasons such as Christmas holidays. There’s also a risk of overloading the drivers, which could result in missed delivery windows or compromised service quality.

To try Borzo service, create an order through this link.


Lalamove had instances of double bookings, which are temporarily allowed on their platform is presenting a complex scenario with both benefits and drawbacks.
Benefits for Drivers – Allowing temporary double bookings can potentially benefit drivers by increasing their income. With two deliveries scheduled for the same time frame, drivers have the opportunity to maximize their earnings, which is especially appealing during the busy holiday season. This can be a motivating factor for drivers to accept more jobs.

Customer Concerns – However, the practice of allowing double bookings can lead to significant customer dissatisfaction, as evidenced by the complaints. Here are some of the key customer concerns:

  • Lack of Communication: Customers often expect transparency and clear communication regarding their deliveries. When double bookings occur without prior notice, it can leave customers frustrated and feeling misled.
  • Priority Fee: Charging customers a priority fee for guaranteed delivery at a desired time can also lead to discontent. Customers may perceive this as an additional cost for a service that should be standard.

To create bookings with Lalamove, click here.

Grab Express

In the case of Grab Express, which typically delivers sensitive products, double bookings can be particularly problematic. Food delivery apps like Grab Express frequently engage in double booking, as this is the nature of their business.


However, they may also utilize their drivers to deliver other items if the bookings are on the same route. Since Grab Express often delivers food, it frequently receives customer complaints about delays and bad experiences, especially during the ber months when drivers may overbook themselves if they are not able to manage their accepted bookings. This can lead to poor customer experiences.

Follow the link to learn more about Grab Express service.


In Transportify, double booking is a common question among drivers who are experiencing low income on the platform. However, the platform is strict about double booking, and does not allow it when a customer specifically requests the service of the entire vehicle. As seen in the review below, some customers are already aware that Transportify does not allow double booking, which assures them that their goods will be delivered on time. It may be a bit disappointing for drivers who want to increase their earnings, but as the ber months approach, the number of bookings will surely increase, discouraging them from double booking anymore.


To try Transportify service, access the link below.


As the Ber months approach, ensuring the efficiency of your delivery services is paramount. By adopting a no double bookings strategy, you not only streamline your operations but also enhance customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and ultimately speed up your deliveries during this critical season. Don’t let double bookings slow you down; instead, embrace the power of efficient delivery management to conquer the Ber months rush.

Cat Dewinta

Article updated on September 22, 2023

Cat Dewinta is a well-established Logistics Consultant with a decade of experience in streamlining supply chains. Her proficiency in utilizing modern advancements has significantly enhanced delivery operations and customer satisfaction, solidifying her reputation as a respected industry leader.